Monday, January 23, 2012

Russian Scientists Claimed to Have Found Life on Planet Venus

In 1982, Soviet Russians set a probe to explore Venus. The probe sent back a lot of photographs. It wasn't until recently that Russian scientists revealed what they had discovered on the inhospitable planet where surface temperatures can reach up to 464 degress Celsius.

Leonid Ksanfomaliti of the Space Research Institute of Russia’s Academy of Sciences say the photographs provide evidence of life on Venus, an planet once declared to be devoid of all life. Ksanfomaliti describe the objects in some of the photographs as a "disk", a "black flap", and a "scorpion". Another scientist, Boris Zveneko, say that the lifeforms have adapted to live in the harsh environment and are different than the life on Earth.

It's more probable the lifeforms that got photographed were just debris that broke off from the craft. Whether they're actual native fauna of the planet has yet to be seen.

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