Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mayor Jim Preacher Gives Tit-for-Tat to State Trooper Who Pulled Him Over

On Janurary 18, Jim Preacher, the mayor of Norway, South Carolina, was pulled over by a state trooper for speeding. He went over 70 miles per hour on a 55 mile per hour zone during the evening. Just minutes after the small town mayor was cited, he retaliated by pulling the state trooper over, saying that he was Norway's chief constable and he suspected the state trooper's vehicle was involved in a recent robbery. The state trooper was released after the mayor reviewed his registration and license. How often Jim Preacher acts as a law enforcer is unknown. That the mayor is also the chief constable of his town came as a surprise to many in the small town of three hundred and sixty. Preacher made headlines in the past after breaking into the mayor's office because he lost his keys.

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