Saturday, January 21, 2012

1000-Pound Edible Butter Sculpture Goes to the Manure Pit

Calling it excess butter would be a slight exaggeration. The leftover butter was collected from businesses such as Walmart that failed to sell all of their inventory of butter before the expiration date. Artists turned the butter into works of art for display at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. The most prized piece of art in the show was a one thousand pound sculputre of a kid towing his calf. It was awarded to Steve Rein­ford, a local famer, after the show for use as an energy source to power his farm. It joined the manure from his farm animals into the manure pit, but not beforer the memory of the sculpture got immortalized in photographs . Assisted by a methane digester, various bacteria will break down the butter and produce methane that would used to power a generator.

The butter-themed exhibition might have been a little insensitive at a time when some countries, like Norway, were facing a butter shortage crisis. Some Norwegians even had to resort to illegal smuggling to get their butter. However, the fact the butter was used for the production of energy should calm moral critics.

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