Friday, January 13, 2012

Hazel Jones and Her Two Unusual Vaginas

Having two uteruses isn't uncommon, but having two vaginas to go along with them is extremely rare. Hazel Jones, currently a twenty-seven-year-old woman, is one of those one-in-a-million women who got this medical condition callled uterus didelphys. She spoke out public on the This Morning show recently about her condition and how it affected her life. She explained of the pain from the cramps she felt during her periods and how she had to lose her virginity twice. Her friends never understood how she really felt.

Health expert Dr. Dawn Harper of Embarrassing Bodies said that this condition happens when the uterus tube septum fails to split during the period when the female is an infant. When the woman with such a condition wants to have a baby, there would be an increased risk of complications.

Though Jones could get surgery to fix her problem, she didn't chose that option because she was afraid that she would get treated as a post-op transsexual.

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